If you have adapted one of these pastoral prayers or written some of your own would you be willing to share them with other pastors? Just Send them to me and I'll post them here to help other pastors. keith.drury@indwes.edu


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We're meeting together in your house as your children, in your name. We're here because we want to be and we're also here because we need to be. We need these times of fellowship with each other and with you. You're already here because you're among us and you even dwell within us. We don't need to see you because we sense your presence. Nearer are you than breathing and closer than hands and feet. We worship you today and we want you to be glorified as we worship your Majesty.

But it's not only here when we meet together, you're with us out there, too, even though we may not sense your presence as we do here. Please, Lord, walk into our world and walk with us every day, because we need your guiding and your comforting presence. We've never walked this way before. We don't know what's before us today and this week, so we need a guide. We want to hear that inner voice that says, "This is the way, walk ye in it." And, Lord, as best as we understand your will, we want to tell you that we're already committed to follow.

And now we want to talk to you about some of our needs and requests. A while ago we thought of many different things on our hearts and minds and many raised their hands indicating a special request. So, right now as each one expresses their own request, as a group we bring them all to you and ask for your will to be done. Give us the assurance that you are hearing and answering our prayers.

There are some very critical and urgent needs here among us and with others in our fellowship not here today. There is anxiety and uncertainty regarding cancer and heart problems and malfunction of organs of the body, but you know all about that and you see each person and you know their individual and personal needs. When we're experiencing serious physical problems it's so easy to feel the attack of satan even in our spiritual life and we often question you because we can't understand why these things are happening. And when we ask for answers we don't get answers, at least it seems like we don't. Maybe we don't need to know, at least not for now. So we earnestly ask for healing of bodies and minds and emotions and spirits, because that's what we need, and bring comfort through the Holy Spirit.

And our world—we see tremendous needs and problems all around us and across our nation and around the world. We pray for our local and state and national leaders from our president on down. You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," and how we long for that to be true of our country. How much we need divine wisdom and guidance for all of our leaders and that's what we pray for today.

We're thankful for a renewed Pro-Life emphasis and interest, and for advances being made regarding the sanctity of life in some areas of our nation. As new proposals are being made we pray for those in authority that they will sensitive to your will regarding the unborn and even the old and infirmed and disabled and the attack on all human life.

And now we want to thank you for your direction and leading to us as a local church. Thank you for the progress that's being made regarding our new facility and all that's involved there. Continue to lead all those that are involved in the entire process.

We pray for all of the services and classes going on today with the infants in the nursery and those loving caring for them, for the children in their classes and church, the youth and adults in the various venues in their services. Meet with us all today and speak to us in meaningful ways. May your anointing be on Pastor Steve as he preaches today and may his words come from you in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We ask all these things with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray: Our Father who art in heaven . . . . . .

By Pastor Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN

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