Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek
We thank You, Our God, that You do whatever You please. You are not limited by what is possible, for with You all things are possible. You are not limited by a lack of knowledge, for You know all things: past, present, future, actual and possible. You are not limited by location, for You are everywhere. The only limits You have are those imposed by Your own nature: Your holiness, Your justice, Your love, and Your goodness.Father, we confess that life is rough. We struggle sometimes day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Sometimes we may not feel like going on, and none of us are strangers to discouragement. But, Lord, by yoking ourselves to You, we have begun an adventure that will take us through eternity. Forever we will be the companions and siblings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Forever we will be students of the nature of Your kindness and grace. We will never be bored, never be unchallenged, never be unhappy.Dear Jesus, thank You for freeing us from ourselves, for breaking the bonds of sin, for bringing us from death in our trespasses and sins to life, legally seated with You in the heavenly places already! Thank You for choosing to be the "lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world."Holy Spirit, thank You for regenerating us, giving us new birth. Thank You for baptizing us into the body of Christ, for dwelling within us as the down payment and guarantee of what is to come. We ask You, Divine Comforter, to fill us and control us. Empower us on a daily basis that Jesus Christ might live out His life in us.Lord, we remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering persecution. We pray that You would help them to be able to evade persecution. When this is not possible or not Your will, help them to stand firm. We pray that the world will soon recognize the right You have given us to believe as we choose.Lord, Your Word tells us to pray for our leaders, and we do so now. Please bless and guide our president, vice president, and governors. We ask the same for our judges, senators, and representative on both national and state levels. We ask Your blessing upon those who protect us: our police and fire departments and our armed services.God of compassion, we also bring our personal needs before You. We know that You keep track of each sparrow that falls, and you know the number of hairs upon our heads.You care about the details of our lives, so we ask for Your will to be done in each situation.As we sing Your praises and study the Word, we pray that Your Spirit would minister to us. We pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Pastor Ed
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
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- Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #5 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #26
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- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20
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