Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #25
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We come as children coming to their loving father, because that's the relationship we have with you. You're the one who designed the universe and set our world in motion, but you're our Heavenly Father and you love us with an everlasting love. You see us in all of our imperfections and our faults and failings and even our sins and yet you still love us. You correct us and discipline us at times because you do love us and you want to make us and mold us more and more into your own image and likeness. We're not what we used to be, but we're not what we're going to be either because you're not through with us yet. This all reminds us of who we are and also who you are. We're often unsure of what's best, and we're uncertain of your will, so our prayer today is that you would make us and mold us after you own sovereign and divine will.
We're so thankful for the privilege of prayer because we have so many things in our world and in our individual lives that we need to bring to you in prayer. Every day all around us we see people that are lost in their sins and self-will. Oh, sure, many of them are seemingly good, moral people but they need you. They're not on their way to heaven, but they're on their way to separation from God in a devil's hell. They need God and they're our responsibility as Christians and as a church. They may never go to church and they don't read the Bible, but they know us and they watch our lives. Help us to so live that they see something different in us. And help us to be a witness for godliness and righteousness. We're scattered all across our area and you've put us here for a purpose. May our light so shine that they may be drawn to you.
We pray for the needs of our people today. There are many physical needs and we bring them to you. Please, Lord, answer prayer for them and touch their bodies in definite and positive ways. Uplift them emotionally and spiritually because it's so easy to be discouraged and defeated when our bodies are weak and suffering. We uplift those with deteriorating relationships, husbands and wives that need reconciliation and forgiveness and may even this day be on the brink of separation and divorce. Help them to have the grace and humility to seek forgiveness and restoration. Some are struggling with financial needs, they need a job and some need help because of crises that have put them in dire straights. Lord, you know how to help them through these crisis times.
We pray again today for our president and the men and women in government all across our nation. You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," and we certainly need a moving of the Holy Spirit all across this country that would move the hearts of men and women toward God. Please, Lord, be active in the affairs of this land.
We pray for and uphold the men and women in the military as they engage in the war against Satan and all of his evil forces; those that would destroy liberty and freedom to worship you and would bring darkness and fear across the world. Lord, you are still on the throne and we pray earnestly for your divine intervention. May your will be done and your kingdom come.
We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings the message. You have helped him in the preparation and study, now anoint him with your divine enabling and speak to us through him.
We pray all of this with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven . . . . ."
Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN
If you have adapted one of these pastoral prayers or written some of your own would you be willing to share them with other pastors? Just Send them to me and I'll post them here to help other pastors.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
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- Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #26
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #25
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #24
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #23
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #22
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #17
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 16
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 15)
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 14)
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 13)
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