Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
Our gracious God,How we praise You that You are our Mighty Redeemer. We recognize that You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all had part in buying your children back from the slave market of sin, doomed to experience Your righteous wrath. Instead, you have made us objects of mercy, recipients of grace, destined to become companions and siblings with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.Lord, we are not worthy to be brought into Your family for countless reasons. But that did not stop You. We pray that You would help us prepare for heavenly fellowship by learning to love our families, friends, and fellow believers in the here and now. Help us develop social skills, to practice kindness, and to put ourselves in the shoes of others instead of offering smug and simplistic answers.We remember pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and countless workers in God’s Kingdom, particularly those who know You and are true to Your Word. Bless their walk with You, their families, their health, and their ministries. Nurture them, use them, and find great pleasure in them, we ask.We also remember our Supreme Court Justices. We pray that they would fear You and that they would render fair and proper verdicts consistent with Your justice.Father, the needs we have hit close to home. Some of us are struggling with relationships, others with finances, others with difficult decisions, while others have health issues that never seem to let up. And Almighty One, there are so many problems and categories of problem or heartache that we dare not list them all. But for these things, Lord, we have You. You are our ultimate Resource, and we pray that You would have Your perfect will in each situation.Now as we sing Your praises and enjoy the sweet honey of Your Word, we pray Your continued blessing upon us.We pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
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- Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #5 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27
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- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19
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