If you have adapted one of these pastoral prayers or written some of your own would you be willing to share them with other pastors? Just Send them to me and I'll post them here to help other pastors. keith.drury@indwes.edu


Sunday, December 21, 2008

James Benedict prayer #1

James Benedict prayer #1
Morning Prayer for January 8, 2006

Lord, listen to your children praying.Listen to our words, but don’t stop there.Listen to what there is way down deep inside of us –the fear we mask with false bravado;the doubt we disguise with narrow-minded fervor;the pain we hide from the world behind smilesthat fool the unobservant.Lord, listen to your children praying,and forgive us for being childish instead of childlike.Forgive us for not playing fair;for wanting to take our toys and go homewhen things don’t go our way;for making fun of those who are different.Forgive us for wanting always to be the center of attention;for pointing and laughing at others who struggle or stumble;for taking seconds and thirds and fourthsbefore others have had even firsts.Lord, listen to your children praying.Lord, send your spirit in this place.Send your spirit to calm our fears and to confront our prejudices.Send your spirit to open our minds and to awaken our compassion.Send your spirit to breathe new life into the church you have called and commissionedto carry your gospel into the world.Lord, listen to your children praying.Listen to our prayers of petition (concerns)And listen to our prayers of gratitude (joys)Lord, listen to your children praying.Send us love, enough for ourselves with plenty left over to share;send us power,along with the wisdom to use it well;and send us grace,to heal the wounds we bear,especially those self-inflicted.Lord, we pray because we believe you are listening.Thank you. Amen.

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