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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek

Our Father, we thank You that You are the God of Providence. Not only have You created all things, but You sustain, maintain, and set the course for the work of Your hands.Not only do You govern the universe, but Your Son is "the radiance of…" Your "…glory and the exact representation of…" Your "…being, sustaining all things by his powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3).You interact with Your creation, and You specially interact with those of us who are in Your new creation, being found righteous in Christ. We thank You that we stand clean before You, dressed in white garments, namely the righteousness of Christ. Therefore, through Him, we can enter your throne room with boldness.Lord, when we look at our lives, we must confess that all is not well. Every one of us has qualities, habits, sins or weaknesses that we would love to get rid of, but they seem to hang on. To grow in You means to change, and change often comes the hard way. We wish we could snap our fingers and be fixed for ever. We know that when Jesus returns, we will be like Him and our inclination toward sin will be a thing of the past.But right now you want us to die to ourselves, to partake in the sufferings of Christ so that we might live the resurrection lifestyle now. Help us to nurture our walk with You, confident that You are working in us both to will and to do of Your good pleasure.Lord, our families need You. Our friends and neighbors and co-workers and civic leaders—all of us need You desperately. Some of us are aware of that; others are oblivious. Oh, Father, through Your Spirit, convict those friends and family members and acquaintances who need Christ. Use us to reach them, we pray.As a church family, sometimes it is hard for us to get along. We are offended, we feel our opinion doesn't count, or we cannot understand how people can see things differently than we do. Rather than be frustrated, help us to look not on our own things, but also upon the things of others. Help us to stop asking what we want, and instead to ask what is in the best interest of our church. Help us find our sense of self-worth by growing in You, not by demanding our own way.Lord, we thank You that we extend our church's ministry by fellowshipping with missionaries and evangelists, both locally and abroad. Multiply our efforts to bring to the Gospel to all people. Expedite Bible translation, and may Your Spirit draw the masses to Yourself.So Father, we bring You all our needs: the small troubles we have and the mighty burdens that weigh us down. We deposit them at Your feet, marveling that You want to help bear them. Change situations where appropriate, help us to accept situations that You are unwilling to change. In all, we trust Your wisdom and love.For we pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Pastor Ed
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