Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek
Dear Heavenly Father, We appreciate Your love and watch care over Your creation. We know that all things were created by You, and we know that You hold all things together. We thank You that You share Your common grace with all. You even bless those who completely reject You by providing them with air, food, water, and a measure of health. We thank You for Your Providential care for all mankind, and we remember that You steer the course of history.We appreciate You, our God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are grateful that the Holy Spirit has regenerated us; He caused us to be born again and brought us from spiritual death to spiritual life. We are grateful that He indwells us, has baptized us into the Body of Christ, endowed us with spiritual gifts, and, as we permit Him, He fills us to overflowing.We pray, O Lord, for our Supreme Court Justices. We know these individuals wield tremendous amounts of power. Help them to interpret our laws wisely and honestly. Help them put aside their own prejudices and seek the original intent of our constitution and its amendments. Give them clarity of mind and a heart that senses its accountability to a higher law, Your law.Almighty God, You know our church family has many needs. Some are suffering from physical, psychological, or spiritual downturns. Others have relational or financial difficulties. Some are disappointed, others are grieving, while still others are searching for that deeper life. Father, You know each need and burden, and we commit them to Your will and Your care.Abba, Father, we remember our missionaries, those who know You and have been called by You to carry the Gospel to regions beyond. This morning we remember those who minister is Asia, an area dominated by non-Christian religions. We pray that governments like China, North Korea, and Viet Nam would recognize the religious rights of their citizens. We pray that multitudes in nations like those we just mentioned, as well as nations like India, Bangladesh, and Japan would turn to the Lord Jesus in droves. Help those who minister in these highly populated but under-evangelized parts of the world. Protect them, direct them, enlighten them, and give them fruit for their labors.At home, Lord, we have much work to do. Today we remember our Sunday School ministry. We pray that our Sunday School ministry would blossom and make a big difference in deepening and grounding believers. Bless our teachers who give of their time and energy. May Your Spirit prosper their instruction. May they seek Your guidance as they prepare. Convince Your children of the importance of this ministry.As individuals, each one of us need to grow in so many ways. This week, we pray that you would help us to love others better. Help this growth in love to begin at home, spread to work and school and the neighborhood. May others see Christ in us because they see the love we have.And so Lord we commit these requests to You.Thank You Lord for hearing and changing things because we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.Pastor EdCorrection suggestion: Find a typo or a confusing sentence? Please send corrections to
If you have adapted one of these pastoral prayers or written some of your own would you be willing to share them with other pastors? Just Send them to me and I'll post them here to help other pastors.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
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- Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #5 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek
- Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #26
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #25
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #24
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #23
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #22
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #17
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 16
- Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 15)
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