If you have adapted one of these pastoral prayers or written some of your own would you be willing to share them with other pastors? Just Send them to me and I'll post them here to help other pastors. keith.drury@indwes.edu


Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas season Pastoral prayer by Thad Spring

Pastoral prayer by Thad Spring, College Wesleyan Church

Heavenly Father, we celebrate this season with you as we remember the birth of our Savior, Your Son. We thank you for your providence and provision as you brought together in the fullness of time the redemption of your people through a child. Together we recognize with Simeon the Light of the world…in flesh and blood. It is Jesus Christ who is our peace and our hope in this world that so desperately needs Him.

Father, we pray for those who gather in your name around the globe today. We pray for protection from the evil one as he seeks to devour and destroy those who love you and who serve you. May they worship without fear this day. May your name be lifted high around the earth, by people of every tribe and every nation. We think of those who serve on the mission field, and pray that you would continue to provide for their needs and allow them to see your miracle hand at work in their ministry.

We pray also, Father, for those men and women who serve abroad in our military. Would you keep them safe and bring them home in the coming New Year. We pray for their families as they celebrate this Christmas with an empty chair, knowing their sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are in places they will never go. Give peace to these families this Christmas and give hope to them as we enter a New Year.

Father, we recognize that many will be on the road this week and ask for your protection for all who travel abroad to see family and friends. We thank you for those who call CWC home and are back today from college. May they enjoy this time with family and friends.

We know there are also those who are ill and suffering and will not be able to travel. We pray for their physical and emotional healing. We think of those in our own church: Kelsey Strand and ask that you would give those who treat her insight and knowledge to know what the health issue is. We pray too for Esther Ingrahm and Mrs. Bauer. May they sense both your love and ours as you work in them to heal and make whole.

We pray for the churches in this community as they meet this day, we pray that together with all the saints we might know the depth of Your love for us. We think of Lakeview and pray for their new pastor and for this season of transition. Bring joy to their congregation this Christmas.

Heavenly Father, there are those within our city and our neighborhoods who do not know you as we do. They hear stories of Jesus and watch specials concerning his birth on television. They listen to music that describes the gospel story and do not comprehend its true message. They do not understand the Light. They do not recognize the Word of life. Perhaps it is because they need to see Him.

So I pray for each and every one of us as we take the message of Jesus into homes and workplaces this season, that those who do not know you would, this year, be able see and hear and touch with their own hands, the Word of life in us. Be the Word in flesh through us, your church: your body. Would you open those eyes as you did the eyes of Simeon and Anna and allow them to see the true gift of Christmas, the Savior of our souls and the Light of the world, who has come to live with us and in us.

Together with all the saints, we pray this in your holy name. Amen.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pastoral Prayer #9 By Ed Vasicek

Pastoral Prayer #9 By Ed Vasicek

Our Holy God,You are the Sovereign, the Supreme Ruler, the One Who Determines, and the King of Kings. As King Nebuchadnezzar confessed, "His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’" (Daniel 4:34-35) You truly set up kings and take them down. You are in charge, and we are foolish to think otherwise.

But Lord, we are so limited: we are imperfect, You are perfect. We know a little, You know everything that was, is, shall be, or might be. We can be creative, but You created everything out of nothing by merely speaking the Word. We try to cover all the bases of life, and we fall short. We rush from one place to another, hoping to be on time for our appointments. You are present everywhere at once.
Yet, despite Your infinite superiority, Your love for us is strong. You proved it when Christ died for us. You proved it when Your Spirit brought us to new life in Christ.

Father, sometimes it is difficult for us to transfer our convictions into real life. We think our opinions matters as much as the decrees of Your Word. We are tempted to create a separation between spiritual truth and our daily lives and responsibilities. Biblical Christians are meant to live out their faith in the trenches and routines of life, to take the Word of God out of mothballs and put it to work. We are meant to hear the Word and then do the Word. And, although doing the Word includes church life, it is just as relevant whether we are at work, school, and especially home. Lord, unite our hearts. May each one here be one person, not two. The Kingdom of God is not about pretending.Lord, as a church family, we have many needs. Some of us are hurting and need Your strength and aid. Others have lost family members or dear friends who are headed for a Christless eternity. Some of us are struggling with finances, health, shame, our marriages, our children, or are plagued by relational strife. Others are fighting enslaving addictions. Some of us might be depressed, worried, and fearful. Perhaps some are so beaten down that they fear hoping for more joyful times lest they be disappointed. We have difficult decisions to make, sometimes choosing between lesser evils. We need Your wisdom, Your direction, and Your Spirit’s power in our daily lives. Help us to experience that abundant life You promise in Your Word. We reaffirm Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.

We remember the missionaries that our church supports, the ministries we offer, and the Lord we serve. Guide our church leaders into Your perfect will, and grant us harmony and unity of purpose as a church. Bless our president, legislators, judges, and local officials. And now, Lord, as we sing our songs of praise and contemplate Your Word, may Your Holy Spirit minister to each of us as we have need, for we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pastoral prayer by Jimbo

Pastoral prayer by Jimbo

How good we are at wearing masks, at playing roles, at pretending. We fool strangers, we fool our friends . . . sometimes we even fool ourselves. But we never fool you, O Lord. All our best tricks are of no avail. No amount of smoke and mirrors can keep you from seeing us as we truly are.You even see through our worship when it is simply a facade behind which we attempt to hide our greed and selfishness and self-righteousness. You see through the pious phrases of our prayers, when they are no more than a sneaky effort to get you to do our will. You see through our acts of charity when they are merely an attempt to buy a good reputation.So certainly, Lord, you must have seen right through the waving of the palms and the shouting of “Hosanna!” – all those people praising you for all the wrong reasons, all those people wanting you to be someone else, another kind of Lord. Forgive us as you forgave them, we pray.Then open our eyes, that we may see clearly who you are and what kind of people you are calling us to be. Open our eyes to the wonders around us in the created world and in the human community. Enable us to see your artistry in the curved stem of the tender sprout, in the red patch on the blackbird’s wing, and in the dance of light on the surface of the stream. Help us see your spirit at work where people have learned to love in spite of the obstacles of race, class, age and culture; where kindness is done in secret and without the expectation of reward; and where people who have the power to exact revenge choose instead to offer forgiveness and pursue reconciliation.(Joys)As we remember so many of the ways in which we are blessed, we also are aware of the ways in which we and others still suffer. The world is a broken place, polluted, filled with violence and injustice, fear and famine, sorrow and sickness. We pray for those who live where hatred is flourishing, fueled by political and religious differences. We pray for those whose lives have been devastated by disasters, whose patience is wearing thin as they wait for relief. We pray for those called to leadership and those who bear the responsibility to see that those in need are helped. We pray for those who work in dangerous and unpleasant places to bring aid to others who have no where else to go.Now, Lord, guide us into to the rich storehouse of your Word and help us find there the wisdom we need to live faithfully and the courage we need to follow you wherever you lead us. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer by Jimbo

Pastoral Prayer by Jimbo

God, you are gracious, and that is good . . . because we are slow learners. You show us the way, but we are still convinced we can find some kind of shortcut, some way to repair the damage done to the world and the fractures in the human family that won’t take too much time or effort. We keep looking for a way that is safe and certain and obvious and easy. But every apparent shortcut turns into a dead end. Save us from our own foolishness. Confound and confront us, until we come to our senses. Teach us the humility we need if we want to be wise. Give us the patience we need if we hope to accomplish any lasting good. Grant us the spirit of obedience that we need if we want to be disciples. Console those whose eyes are flooded with tears and whose hearts are drowned by sorrow.Give rest to those made weary by heavy burdens. Strengthen the resolve of those sorely tempted. Calm the minds of those swarmed by anxiety.We pray with faith and hope, because you have already done so much for us. There is no doubt that your love for us is real and reaches to the ends of the earth. As the psalmist says, there is no where to go where you are not already there, waiting for us, ready to meet us and to lead us home again.We thank you for the teachers and mentors who have cared enough to speak the truth in love to us. We thank you for insight that comes after struggle, for hard-won maturity and undeserved second and third and fourth chances. We thank you for role models who are willing to be honest and who show us that you don’t just call extraordinary people to follow Jesus – you call ordinary people and make them extraordinary.Now continue the work you are doing, O Lord, to make us extraordinary servants and witnesses for you in this world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastroal Prayer by Jimbo

Pastroal Prayer by Jimbo

Just a little good news, O Lord, that’s all we ask.We’ve had enough of the bad news,headline after headline announcing the latest tragedy,crime, or disaster.We don’t need the newspaper or the evening news to remind us that the world is full of sorrow and people are often cruel.We know. We know from experience.Our own tears have taught us.What we need, what we hunger and thirst for,is some reason to hope,some reason to believe that the headlines don’t tell the whole story; some reason to believe that truth will triumph over lies,that love will outlast hate, andthat life will prevail over death.O Lord, our hearts leap with joy at your announcement,“Behold, the reign of God draws near;repent and believe the good news.”Grant us the courage to come to your side and join in the work you are doing in the world to reclaim it for the purposes for which it was created.Amen.

Pastoral Prayer by Jimbo

Pastoral Prayer by Jimbo

Morning PrayerO God, whose Word is truth and whose Love is light, let your truth and light fill this place. Open our minds, that we may come to understand your will and your way. Open our hearts, that we may learn to care more deeply for one another, for our brothers and sisters from other Christian traditions, and for all people everywhere.As Elisha once asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit, so this day we ask for: a double portion of your grace, so that we know we are forgiven and be able to forgive;a double portion of your wisdom, so that we can find our way through the confusing landscape of the modern world, and guide others as well;a double portion of your peace, so that we can conquer our own anxiety and sow calm in the communities of which we are a part;a double portion of your courage, so that we can confront injustice in ourselves and in our world; a double portion of your persistence, so that we won’t give up and we won’t give in when it comes to reaching out to others; and a double portion of your hospitality, that we may be ready to invite and welcome others into this fellowship devoted to you.(Other concerns/requests)We are so grateful, O God, for your attention and mercy. We marvel that we matter so much to you. You have created a world that both delights and challenges us. You have established a covenant in which we can thrive with the help of your Spirit. You have given us a share in the work that you are doing in the world, and thus given us meaning and purpose beyond that which we can secure for ourselves. You have provided for and protected us, nudged and nurtured us, inspired and enriched us.(Joys)Help us now, as we continue in worship, seeking to draw nearer and nearer to you. Then help us as we depart to show the world the difference an hour can make when that hour is spent praising you and learning more about you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer by James Benedict

Pastoral Prayer by James Benedict

In the morning when we rise and in the night when we lay down, and in all the moments in between, O Lord, you are there. In the night while we sleep, or toss and turn in anxiety, even then, O Lord, you are there. You are waiting for us to turn to you. You are waiting for us to look for you. You are waiting for us to make time for you, to pay attention to you, to take time to attend to our relationship with you. Far too often we are too busy.God, you call us to be still. We confess that this is difficult for us. We prefer to be active. We prefer to be busy. We prefer to be surrounded by activity and noise. Silence unsettles us. Solitudes intimidates us. Reflection rattles us. So we seek diversions and welcome distractions. We fill our schedules to overflowing.And yet . . . and yet . . . deep within us, there is a hunger that grows and grows. A hunger for silence. A hunger for solitude. A hunger for time to reflect. A hunger for you, God. And the busier we get, the more this hunger grows. We feel it – an ache, an emptiness.Grant us, O God, the strength of will to feed our hunger, to step away, even when there are other demands on our time. Shield us from the temptation to put off our prayers and postpone our time for reflection. Drive away the fears that make us shrink back from silence. Teach us how to be still and know you.We pray this day for the sick. Show us how to provide good care for them in whatever ways we can. Bless their doctors and nurses with both skill and compassion. Bless their families and loved ones with patience and the strength to give support. As bodies heal, let faith grow and relationships with others become deeper.We pray your peace for all who mourn, O Lord. Send your Spirit to lead them through the valley of the shadow. Fill their minds with positive memories and their hearts with comfort and resurrection hope. Answer the cries of the desperate and the discouraged, the frantic and the frightened, the anxious and the alone. Protect the poor and weak from the rich and powerful. Continue to guide and sustain those who are committed to showing the world a better way – your way.We rejoice and give thanks for your offer of love and friendship, O God – for your presence with us and your sacrifice for us. We thank you for answers to many prayers. We thank you for friends who are faithful, for people we can call upon and count upon when we are stretched beyond our limits. We thank you for the forgiveness of our sins and the new life we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. And we thank you for the sense of purpose and worth we derive from our call to follow Jesus and to continue his work in this world.Now help us as we prepare ourselves to hear and obey your word. Amen.

Pasatoral prayer by James Benedict

Pasatoral prayer by James Benedict

O Lord God, we have no words adequate to the task of expressing how blessed we feel this day, as we come together for worship. We look around us and see sisters and brothers, people who share our faith and who have shared our joys and sorrows. We look at the cross and see a symbol of your commitment to our salvation and your amazing, amazing grace. We look in the Bible and see that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, and that you search for us when we are lost and that you celebrate with the angels when we are found.Help us, Lord, find ways to express our gratitude to you and to others. Help us bless the world with our words and deeds. Help us share the gospel of your love and welcome those who respond to it.Lord, we know we live in a troubled world. We have taken the creation you gave us and treated it carelessly. Now there is disorder where you created order; there is discord where you created harmony; there is filth where you created purity; and there is ugliness where you created beauty. Forgive us, we pray, for our part in the destruction of what you have made. And deliver us from the evil that we ourselves have let loose upon the earth.Discourage those who wage war so they might become willing to consider other ways to establish justice. Calm those who rage. Defeat those who seek to control others through abuse. And confront those who claim to speak for you, yet spew words of hate.Help us see as heroes those who work quietly for the good of others, creatively addressing perennial problems like hunger and disease. Bless with energy and insight those who are working to help the world avoid the catastrophe of a pandemic. Sustain those who are still working to repair the damage done in places that have now faded from the front page – the Gulf Coast, Pakistan, South East Asia, Darfur.Now Lord be with us as we turn to your word with hope. May we not be disappointed or go away hungry from this spiritual feast. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer by James Benedict

Pastoral Prayer by James Benedict
O Lord Almighty, lift us up into your presence and let us feel you near as we assemble for worship and turn to your word. Calm our fears. Open our minds. Ready us to receive what you have to give to us this day, in sermon and in song and in silence.What we seek is courage and hope. We need them in a world so filled with trouble. Dangers lurk everywhere, enemies abound. Violence and accidents and dread disease seem to pursue us like a pack of wolves.Protect and defend us, we pray. Capture our hearts with your grace and drive out the fear that makes us compromise our values and draw back from challenges. Give us such confidence in your abiding care for us that we will live boldly and serve freely, as you call us to serve.We thank you this day for the many answers to prayer we have already received and for the gift of long life with which you have blessed so many in our congregation. We thank you for the chance to celebrate with others goals reached and new adventures begun. We thank you for the faithfulness of family and friends, and for the support of others in times of trial. We thank you for those who extend themselves to help others, who offer friendship, and who speak words of wisdom.(Other joys)Hear our prayers today for those who need healing of body and of spirit. Bind up broken hearts and drive away disease. Bring peace to those who are nearing the end of life and patience to those who are learning to live with chronic illness. Help those who are caught in conflicts to think clearly and to remain committed to fairness, even when it seems to put them at a disadvantage. Help leaders everywhere hear and respond to the people who are crying out for justice and peace.(Other concerns)Now Lord, we fall silent before you and ask you to hear those prayers too deep for words. (Silence)Guide and protect us, care for and direct us, now and forever, we pray. Amen.

Anonymous pastoral prayer

Anonymous pastoral prayer

O Lord Almighty, lift us up into your presence and let us feel you near as we assemble for worship and turn to your word. Calm our fears. Open our minds. Ready us to receive what you have to give to us this day, in sermon and in song and in silence.What we seek is courage and hope. We need them in a world so filled with trouble. Dangers lurk everywhere, enemies abound. Violence and accidents and dread disease seem to pursue us like a pack of wolves.Protect and defend us, we pray. Capture our hearts with your grace and drive out the fear that makes us compromise our values and draw back from challenges. Give us such confidence in your abiding care for us that we will live boldly and serve freely, as you call us to serve.We thank you this day for the many answers to prayer we have already received and for the gift of long life with which you have blessed so many in our congregation. We thank you for the chance to celebrate with others goals reached and new adventures begun. We thank you for the faithfulness of family and friends, and for the support of others in times of trial. We thank you for those who extend themselves to help others, who offer friendship, and who speak words of wisdom.(Other joys)Hear our prayers today for those who need healing of body and of spirit. Bind up broken hearts and drive away disease. Bring peace to those who are nearing the end of life and patience to those who are learning to live with chronic illness. Help those who are caught in conflicts to think clearly and to remain committed to fairness, even when it seems to put them at a disadvantage. Help leaders everywhere hear and respond to the people who are crying out for justice and peace.(Other concerns)Now Lord, we fall silent before you and ask you to hear those prayers too deep for words. (Silence) Guide and protect us, care for and direct us, now and forever, we pray. Amen.

J M Kendall prayer #1

**Turn away from congregation and face towards the cross. We are praying on behalf of the people to the Father, physically show it.

Let us pray,Our gracious and merciful Heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of our savior Jesus Christ. We come with thankful hearts, knowing that through Your Son we can come and speak directly to You without the need for sacrifices, priests, or temples. We can come before you, ever so humbly, in reverence and love. We thank you Lord for this gift.Father, despite this being an assignment, we pray that it is so much more. We know the importance of leading Your people and the immense responsibility that entails. We come today, respectfully asking You to teach us, to shape us, to mold us into pastors and people that You can use to further Your Kingdom. Change us so that You may change others through us. Thank You for the calling You have placed on our lives, thank You for Your love, for Your protection, and for Your guidance.We would like to take time now to lift up this world to You, Lord. Throughout the turmoil and distress that is occurring round the world, we trust that You are still actively working in it. Specifically we would like to lift up those still recovering from hurricanes in Sri Lanka and the Gulf Coast. We also want to lift up those recovering from earthquakes in southeast Asia. We pray for Your healing hand to aid in the relief efforts going on. We lift up the universal Church to you as well. Strengthen those You have called and raise up more workers for Your harvest. Thy kingdom come, let Thy will be done.Father God we want to lift up our nation to you as well. Please guide our president and give Him Your understanding in how to resolve conflicts both locally and abroad. Place advisors around Him who will boldly speak Your Word. Guide our politicians as well. Help them to be not on their own agendas, but on Yours and Your people. We pray for unity and a country that adamantly proclaims, “In God we trust.” Be glorified in and through our nation.Finally we ask that Your Spirit would intervene on this campus, amongst the students and professors. Father there are so many hurting and struggling on campus, even in this room today. We pray for Your holy comfort and peace that passes all understanding to come into our lives and heal our wounds. We take time now to specifically lift up Cady Stephens and her family with the loss of her mom to You. Consol her family and give them strength as they attempt to go about living life again. Surround them with Christians who will strengthen and encourage them. Show them Your love in a new way today. Lord we finally ask that you would open our hearts and minds to hearing Your voice not only tonight at Summit, but throughout the semester as well. Fill us with Your holy passion so that others cannot help but be attracted to Your light living inside of us. Help us take that first step and then show us where to run. Thank you for our professors and a school who’s intent is to make us into Godly world changers. Help us to never lose the focus and vision You have laid before us.Thank You once again for Your mercy, for Your grace. We know that we would be nothing without You and we return whatever praise or gratitude we may receive back to You. Change us, make us new, and be praised through our lives. To the glory of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.

James Benedict prayer #2

James Benedict prayer #2

O God who touches earth with beauty,who paints the twilight sky,who gives the lark its song to singand makes the desert dry,the ocean wet and vast and full of life, both large and small;O God, designer, artist, engineerand maker of us all,hear our prayer.As we consider all the work of your hands,we are filled with wonder beyond words.We are overwhelmed by color, flavor, texture, scent and sound.We marvel at pattern and intricate detail in the most common of things –leaves, feathers, flakes of snow.We stand amazed in the presence of soaring, snow-capped mountains,wide, lazy rivers and forests fresh and green.O God, we are grateful for the world you have made.And we are grateful, God, that you have allowed us not only to observe it,but to live in it and to be a part of it. Indeed, you have entrusted us with dominion over it and called us to tend and keep it. How easy it is to forget what an honor it is to be so empowered and so trusted.Forgive us, we pray, for betraying your trust and for failing to care for your creation. Forgive us for using its resources selfishly, for destroying its careful and complex balance, for raiding it as if it were enemy territory instead of our own home. Forgive us for our repeated attempts to inflict our will upon it, regardless of its own rhythms and character. Forgive us failing to learn the lessons your creation can teach us.By your grace, O God, restore us to our role as stewards and make us wise. Help us learn again to use without abusing, to delight in without destroying. Help us learn to tread lightly on the earth and begin to heal the wounds we have inflicted upon her. Help us as we strive to make this earth a place where future generations can flourish.(Joys)(Concerns)O God, who touches earth with beauty, who paints the twilight sky,who gives the lark its song to singand makes the desert dry,touch our lives with mercyand fill our hearts with grace,that we might learn to treat this worldas gift and sacred space. Amen.

James Benedict prayer #1

James Benedict prayer #1
Morning Prayer for January 8, 2006

Lord, listen to your children praying.Listen to our words, but don’t stop there.Listen to what there is way down deep inside of us –the fear we mask with false bravado;the doubt we disguise with narrow-minded fervor;the pain we hide from the world behind smilesthat fool the unobservant.Lord, listen to your children praying,and forgive us for being childish instead of childlike.Forgive us for not playing fair;for wanting to take our toys and go homewhen things don’t go our way;for making fun of those who are different.Forgive us for wanting always to be the center of attention;for pointing and laughing at others who struggle or stumble;for taking seconds and thirds and fourthsbefore others have had even firsts.Lord, listen to your children praying.Lord, send your spirit in this place.Send your spirit to calm our fears and to confront our prejudices.Send your spirit to open our minds and to awaken our compassion.Send your spirit to breathe new life into the church you have called and commissionedto carry your gospel into the world.Lord, listen to your children praying.Listen to our prayers of petition (concerns)And listen to our prayers of gratitude (joys)Lord, listen to your children praying.Send us love, enough for ourselves with plenty left over to share;send us power,along with the wisdom to use it well;and send us grace,to heal the wounds we bear,especially those self-inflicted.Lord, we pray because we believe you are listening.Thank you. Amen.

Prayer #8 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #8 by Ed Vasicek

Almighty One, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we thank You and worship You for countless reasons. Right now, we worship You because You are patient and longsuffering. We know Lord, that Your patience is seen in Your desire that none perish, and that all come to repentance. We know that You often delay Your wrath. We also realize that You are patiently nurturing those born again into Your family, helping us to be conformed to the image of Your Son and patiently working, despite our countless failures.Lord, we need Your guidance within our church family. It seems we are surrounded by choices, and sometimes we feel like we are choosing between lesser evils and other times between greater goods. You Word promises wisdom if we but ask, and, so Lord, we go on record before You as asking for that wisdom.We also ask for your protection for our missionaries, as well as we who serve you right here. We know, Lord, that life holds many dangers. We know the Evil One is out to thwart the work of Your kingdom, and we know that often unbelievers and even misguided brethren intentionally try to hinder Your work. We ask You to bind Satan, send angels to protect us, and deliver us from ungodly and unreasonable men.As the Body of Christ, we are made up of many members. Some of our members are suffering, others are perhaps feelings expendable and unimportant, while others find themselves slaves to destructive habits. Others are rejoicing and exulting in the blessings of life. Perhaps most of us are somewhere in between, not exactly miserable but not happy either. Lord, cheer our hearts, encourage our spirits, help us to view our existence in light of eternity and our positions—whether humble or recognized—as opportunities to serve You. Help us to remember that life is not about us, it is about glorifying You.We pray for our leaders, our troops, and true Christians everywhere. We pray that this world will turn to You as never before, that the persecution of believers would stop, and that the Gospel would go forth mightily.We pray these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pastor Ed
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Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #7 by Ed Vasicek

We thank You, Our God, that You do whatever You please. You are not limited by what is possible, for with You all things are possible. You are not limited by a lack of knowledge, for You know all things: past, present, future, actual and possible. You are not limited by location, for You are everywhere. The only limits You have are those imposed by Your own nature: Your holiness, Your justice, Your love, and Your goodness.Father, we confess that life is rough. We struggle sometimes day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Sometimes we may not feel like going on, and none of us are strangers to discouragement. But, Lord, by yoking ourselves to You, we have begun an adventure that will take us through eternity. Forever we will be the companions and siblings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Forever we will be students of the nature of Your kindness and grace. We will never be bored, never be unchallenged, never be unhappy.Dear Jesus, thank You for freeing us from ourselves, for breaking the bonds of sin, for bringing us from death in our trespasses and sins to life, legally seated with You in the heavenly places already! Thank You for choosing to be the "lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world."Holy Spirit, thank You for regenerating us, giving us new birth. Thank You for baptizing us into the body of Christ, for dwelling within us as the down payment and guarantee of what is to come. We ask You, Divine Comforter, to fill us and control us. Empower us on a daily basis that Jesus Christ might live out His life in us.Lord, we remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering persecution. We pray that You would help them to be able to evade persecution. When this is not possible or not Your will, help them to stand firm. We pray that the world will soon recognize the right You have given us to believe as we choose.Lord, Your Word tells us to pray for our leaders, and we do so now. Please bless and guide our president, vice president, and governors. We ask the same for our judges, senators, and representative on both national and state levels. We ask Your blessing upon those who protect us: our police and fire departments and our armed services.God of compassion, we also bring our personal needs before You. We know that You keep track of each sparrow that falls, and you know the number of hairs upon our heads.You care about the details of our lives, so we ask for Your will to be done in each situation.As we sing Your praises and study the Word, we pray that Your Spirit would minister to us. We pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Pastor Ed
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Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #6 by Ed Vasicek

Our Father, we thank You that You are the God of Providence. Not only have You created all things, but You sustain, maintain, and set the course for the work of Your hands.Not only do You govern the universe, but Your Son is "the radiance of…" Your "…glory and the exact representation of…" Your "…being, sustaining all things by his powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3).You interact with Your creation, and You specially interact with those of us who are in Your new creation, being found righteous in Christ. We thank You that we stand clean before You, dressed in white garments, namely the righteousness of Christ. Therefore, through Him, we can enter your throne room with boldness.Lord, when we look at our lives, we must confess that all is not well. Every one of us has qualities, habits, sins or weaknesses that we would love to get rid of, but they seem to hang on. To grow in You means to change, and change often comes the hard way. We wish we could snap our fingers and be fixed for ever. We know that when Jesus returns, we will be like Him and our inclination toward sin will be a thing of the past.But right now you want us to die to ourselves, to partake in the sufferings of Christ so that we might live the resurrection lifestyle now. Help us to nurture our walk with You, confident that You are working in us both to will and to do of Your good pleasure.Lord, our families need You. Our friends and neighbors and co-workers and civic leaders—all of us need You desperately. Some of us are aware of that; others are oblivious. Oh, Father, through Your Spirit, convict those friends and family members and acquaintances who need Christ. Use us to reach them, we pray.As a church family, sometimes it is hard for us to get along. We are offended, we feel our opinion doesn't count, or we cannot understand how people can see things differently than we do. Rather than be frustrated, help us to look not on our own things, but also upon the things of others. Help us to stop asking what we want, and instead to ask what is in the best interest of our church. Help us find our sense of self-worth by growing in You, not by demanding our own way.Lord, we thank You that we extend our church's ministry by fellowshipping with missionaries and evangelists, both locally and abroad. Multiply our efforts to bring to the Gospel to all people. Expedite Bible translation, and may Your Spirit draw the masses to Yourself.So Father, we bring You all our needs: the small troubles we have and the mighty burdens that weigh us down. We deposit them at Your feet, marveling that You want to help bear them. Change situations where appropriate, help us to accept situations that You are unwilling to change. In all, we trust Your wisdom and love.For we pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Pastor Ed
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Prayer #5 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #5 by Ed Vasicek

Father, we praise You as You reign in majesty and glory. You dwell in inapproachable light, and if we were to see you as you are we could not live. Although Your holiness brings us to our knees, we can approach You through our great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.Our God, we are checking in with headquarters. We need Your direction for this coming week. Some of us have been faithful servants this past week, others not so faithful, and perhaps most of us somewhere in between. Instead of trying harder, help us to cultivate our relationship with You so that we will naturally review all significant decisions with You and seek to implement Your directions provided within Your Word.Lord, we have lost friends and relatives. We pray that You would remove their hearts of stone and give them a new heart of flesh; open their eyes and grant them the repentance that leads to life. May they come to know our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.We also remember your servants who serve You on the Mission Field. They have heard and responded to Your calling for their lives. Yet they are not up to the task, a task so broad that in 2,000 years we have yet to complete it, namely taking Your Word to all the world and making disciples of all nations. Bless and multiply their efforts. Open the ears of those who hear. May governments be friendly and accommodating, send angels to protect them, bless their families, and endow them with wisdom greater than Solomon’s.Lord, we each have an inventory of requests and needs. Life has its struggles, and some of them are intense and relentless. Sometimes their sheer quantity overwhelms us. Remind us that You are the Sovereign Lord, and You only hold us accountable for that which is under our control. May we be faithful in trusting You through life’s challenges.Help our families to be strong, and bind Satan as he tries to destroy our faith, our character, our fellowship, and our families. Help us to put on Your armor. And when we have to deal with the fallout of spiritual casualties, help us to make the best of each situation and to act wisely.We ask You to comfort and strengthen our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world, guide our president and leaders, and help our nation, and, more importantly, our world, to be impacted by the Gospel as never before. Use our congregation to make a positive impact that is disproportionate to our size; may You maximize our efforts.We pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Pastor Ed
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Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #4 by Ed Vasicek
Holy One of Israel,How we appreciate You as the Ancient of Days. You are self-derived, having neither beginning nor end. Time itself is Your creation. You have always been Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It amazes us to think that our universe was created by a mere conversation between the Persons of the Trinity! We also thank You that You planned to send Jesus even before the world was founded. He is truly the “Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world.”Yet, Lord, we recognize that we are not worthy to receive Your grace. Our hearts beat about 130,000 beats per day, and yet everyone of those is by Your grace and with Your permission. Indeed, God the Son holds the entire universe together. We are at Your mercy: how grateful we are that You are gracious and faithful!Father, we know that You desire Your Name to be glorified among all the peoples of the earth. We especially pray for the Church in Asia. Many of our brothers and sisters in that region are such a small minority, sometimes a persecuted minority. Yet You are working mightily in that region. We pray, Lord, for a great harvest in Asia. Give believers favor with the people and the governments, drive out Satan and may the truth of the Gospel become firmly established. Bless the missionaries and leaders who are true to You and Your Word.Here at home, Father, we pray that You would help our suffering families. We especially remember single parents and their children. Help fill the voids they feel, provide for them, and be a Companion and Aid to them. May they learn to know You, live for You, and lean upon You.Lord, each of us have personal needs. Some of us need a breath of fresh air, a spiritual lift to help us make it through another week. We pray that the pure breeze of Your Spirit would minister to each of us today.We ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pastor Ed
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Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #3 by Ed Vasicek
Our gracious God,How we praise You that You are our Mighty Redeemer. We recognize that You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all had part in buying your children back from the slave market of sin, doomed to experience Your righteous wrath. Instead, you have made us objects of mercy, recipients of grace, destined to become companions and siblings with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.Lord, we are not worthy to be brought into Your family for countless reasons. But that did not stop You. We pray that You would help us prepare for heavenly fellowship by learning to love our families, friends, and fellow believers in the here and now. Help us develop social skills, to practice kindness, and to put ourselves in the shoes of others instead of offering smug and simplistic answers.We remember pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and countless workers in God’s Kingdom, particularly those who know You and are true to Your Word. Bless their walk with You, their families, their health, and their ministries. Nurture them, use them, and find great pleasure in them, we ask.We also remember our Supreme Court Justices. We pray that they would fear You and that they would render fair and proper verdicts consistent with Your justice.Father, the needs we have hit close to home. Some of us are struggling with relationships, others with finances, others with difficult decisions, while others have health issues that never seem to let up. And Almighty One, there are so many problems and categories of problem or heartache that we dare not list them all. But for these things, Lord, we have You. You are our ultimate Resource, and we pray that You would have Your perfect will in each situation.Now as we sing Your praises and enjoy the sweet honey of Your Word, we pray Your continued blessing upon us.We pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pastor EdCorrection suggestion: Find a typo or a confusing sentence? Please send corrections to church@highlandpc.com.

Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #2 by Ed Vasicek

Dear Heavenly Father, We appreciate Your love and watch care over Your creation. We know that all things were created by You, and we know that You hold all things together. We thank You that You share Your common grace with all. You even bless those who completely reject You by providing them with air, food, water, and a measure of health. We thank You for Your Providential care for all mankind, and we remember that You steer the course of history.We appreciate You, our God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are grateful that the Holy Spirit has regenerated us; He caused us to be born again and brought us from spiritual death to spiritual life. We are grateful that He indwells us, has baptized us into the Body of Christ, endowed us with spiritual gifts, and, as we permit Him, He fills us to overflowing.We pray, O Lord, for our Supreme Court Justices. We know these individuals wield tremendous amounts of power. Help them to interpret our laws wisely and honestly. Help them put aside their own prejudices and seek the original intent of our constitution and its amendments. Give them clarity of mind and a heart that senses its accountability to a higher law, Your law.Almighty God, You know our church family has many needs. Some are suffering from physical, psychological, or spiritual downturns. Others have relational or financial difficulties. Some are disappointed, others are grieving, while still others are searching for that deeper life. Father, You know each need and burden, and we commit them to Your will and Your care.Abba, Father, we remember our missionaries, those who know You and have been called by You to carry the Gospel to regions beyond. This morning we remember those who minister is Asia, an area dominated by non-Christian religions. We pray that governments like China, North Korea, and Viet Nam would recognize the religious rights of their citizens. We pray that multitudes in nations like those we just mentioned, as well as nations like India, Bangladesh, and Japan would turn to the Lord Jesus in droves. Help those who minister in these highly populated but under-evangelized parts of the world. Protect them, direct them, enlighten them, and give them fruit for their labors.At home, Lord, we have much work to do. Today we remember our Sunday School ministry. We pray that our Sunday School ministry would blossom and make a big difference in deepening and grounding believers. Bless our teachers who give of their time and energy. May Your Spirit prosper their instruction. May they seek Your guidance as they prepare. Convince Your children of the importance of this ministry.As individuals, each one of us need to grow in so many ways. This week, we pray that you would help us to love others better. Help this growth in love to begin at home, spread to work and school and the neighborhood. May others see Christ in us because they see the love we have.And so Lord we commit these requests to You.Thank You Lord for hearing and changing things because we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.Pastor EdCorrection suggestion: Find a typo or a confusing sentence? Please send corrections to church@highlandpc.com.

Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek

Prayer #1 by Ed Vasicek
Dear Gracious God,We are awestruck by You. All created things had a beginning, but You are uncreated; there has never been a time before You were. You created time and are not restricted by it. You are self-sufficient. You do not need us, but You enjoy us and love us. But we need You, for apart from a relationship to You, existence has no enduring meaning.Father, we thank You for Your Word which lights our path. Although we can find pieces of truth here and there, only Your Word is breathed by You. And so our Bibles are the only infallible source of truth. Help us, O Lord, to cherish and study it so that we might know You better and serve You in both knowledge and zeal.Lord, we value the many people who enrich our lives. We especially remember those who serve our government at a state level. We pray for our governor, our state senators and representatives, and our state judicial system. We pray for the leaders and workers who serve within our state’s agencies. Help them to pass laws that meet with your approval, and help them wisely and properly administer those laws. We pray that we might be at peace with them, and that you would guide and bless their work and their families.Our church family includes many individual families. And All-Knowing One, we know that You know how stressful some of our family situations are. We pray that You would shower grace, blessing, guidance, and wisdom to our families. We ask that You would help them stay in tact; help the relationships within them to be nurturing, positive, and godly.Our God, we are mindful of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecution. Many are suffering because of oppressive Islamic governments; others are victims of left-wing societies. We pray that the persecution might stop, that the persecutors would be won to faith in Jesus, and that the believers would be given supernatural wisdom so as to circumvent persecution when possible. Help them to be strong in You.Closer to home, Lord, we know people who need Christ. Use us to reach out to the lost, and may our church be used of you to bring in some of the harvest, for the fields are white.Minister, we pray, to our personal needs, including spiritual needs, health needs, relational needs, financial needs, or a host of other needs. We thank You that care about the details of our lives, and we thank You that we can trust You in times both good and bad.And so Lord, it is with confidence that You have heard us which makes us want to pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Pastor Ed

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #30

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We want to acknowledge your divine presence with us. We don't have to ask you to come down to be among us. You're right here, right now. Closer are you than breathing and nearer than hands and feet. We're not talking into the air and we're not talking to each other, but we're talking with you. We're assured in your Word that if we ask anything according to you will, you hear us, and if we know that you hear us we have the petitions we desired of you. We don't want to ask anything outside your will and we don't want to ask just for selfish motives or simply personal desires, but we do seek your will and we determine to do your will as we understand it, both personally and individually and also as a part of the Body of Christ.

It's so good to be here together in your house this morning with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We belong together, we're a part of each other, and we look forward to this time of being in fellowship with each other and with you. And, Lord, some of my brothers and sister here this morning are carrying very heavy burdens. Some of the concerns are hidden deep in their hearts and nobody on earth knows, and sometimes they think that nobody else cares. They can't share the hurts and disappointments and betrayals with anyone, but you know all about it. You share every heartache and care. You temper and calm every tempest that bl ows, and you know all about it, you know. And so, please help each one there in the deep recesses of their own hearts and minds and emotions to reach out to you because you're already reaching out to us and you want to meet deep needs right now. We can go away from this service with renewed strength and courage to go on. This is no time to give up or to turn back, but the walk with you is always onward and upward. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers right now.

We're very concerned about the condition of the world and the volatile situation particularly in the Middle East. We pray for those that are trying to propose plans for an end to the conflict. Lord, you are sovereign, and we're sure that you have the power to intervene and we pray for your will to be done. We pray for the insurgents in Iraq and for peace to come to that war torn country and that your Word might be preached and taught to those very needy people. We're reminded that Saul, the persecutor, became Paul the Apostle, so we pray that men's he arts would be changed through an encounter with you.

We pray for our President and the men and women of the cabinet. We know that they face tremendous problems continually and they need wisdom and understanding that can come only from you. We pray for the men and women of the congress as they deliberate and endeavor to lead our nation. We know that many of them are Christians and desire to be led by the Holy Spirit and we pray for all of them. We pray, too, for the men and women in the courts of land and that they might be under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

We pray for the needs of our own community. We know that there are people being abused, even little children. There are drug addicts and alcoholics and drug dealers. We need a revival right here that will change people's hearts and that will make a difference in the homes all around us.

We pray for the pastors and leaders of our church. We ask that you would put your plans and directions in our hearts and minds and help us all to be sensitive to your will.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he speaks to us this morning. We ask that he will be able to communicate the things that you have directed him to. Help us to be willing hearers and to be obedient to your voice.

We pray in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven . . . .

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN 46953

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 29

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. On this Father's Day we're reminded that you are the source and inspiration and the example for all fatherhood. We're your children and you're our Father, our Heavenly Father. And just as you love and care for your children, so we fathers should follow your example with our families. We know that we can never be a perfect father like you are with your children, but help us to be the best fathers that we can possibly be. There are dads here today that are the fathers of babies and little children. How important it is to nurture and uphold these l ittle people who are so totally dependent on dad and mom. There are some fathers here that have growing children and their habits of life are being developed. They need to be able to have complete trust and confidence in their moms and dads. Then, here are the teens who are already beginning to try their wings and exert their independence and although they need to be free to make many decisions, yet they need the careful guidance and direction that comes from godly parents. They need to have complete confidence and trust in mom and dad.

But we never stop being parents even after the kids have married and are establishing their own homes. We can still pray for them and offer counsel. And even during times when we wonder what kind of adults they're becoming and during times of fear and questioning the direction they're taking, it's time to trust you, Lord, and time to trust our training and time to trust our children. What joys to be moms and dads and what awesome responsibilities. So, we pray your special blessing on the fathers and grandfather here today.

We pray for those with physical problems and needs. Lord, you know and see each one and you're concerned about them all. And you know how to meet them right exactly at the point of their individual need. Please assure them of your love and concern for them, because we know you do care but they need to know. Those especially discouraged need to be uplifted and encouraged. May they be reminded of something from your Word, or maybe a verse of song, or even a word of assurance from a brother or sister in Christ.

Some have financial and material needs. They don't know where the needed resources are coming from, but they do know you and they do know how to pray. May their faith increase and we pray that their needs will be met by your provision from you hand.

We pray for those who are down spiritually, maybe they've been defeated by some word or action that wasn't right. Help them to confess their special need and receive forgiveness from you.

We pray for the many needs of people in our community. There are children and even mates that are being abused physically and sexually. There are drug addicts and drug dealers and alcoholics. There are prostitutes and those that are active in that horrible trade. There are thousands that never enter a church and never read your Word or utter your name except in cursing. Lord, our community needs you and they need us to reach out to them with your love and concern. We pray for ourselves to be the kind of Christians we should and can be and we pray for the many needs all around us.

We pray for the missionaries and national Christians as they labor and work for you, many with great opposition and even threats against them. Give them courage and make them to be effective witnesses for you.

We pray for our President and the men and women in offices of government. They need you and the influence of the Holy Spirit. May there be a revival in our nation of righteousness and truth that will defeat the powers of evil and Satan and turn men's hearts to you.

We pray for our military, many of them right now in harm's way. May they call upon you and ask for your guidance and protection.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he preaches this morning. Use him and anoint him to speak your message to us. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #28

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, your Son and our Savior. We are so blessed and we have so much to thank you for. You're the God of all the earth and you're great beyond our comprehension. You're greatly to be praised. Lord God, we do glorify and praise you today, not just for what you do for us, but for who and what you are. Your Word tells us that you're the God of all mankind and there is nothing too hard for you. You're able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or even think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers or desires or hopes. Wow, how great it is to be a Christian. We're a part of your eternal plan that goes back in eternity even before the world was made. You already knew about us. And just as we trusted you to save us, we need to trust you day by day for all of life's problems and perplexities and difficulties. You're always there and you're always ready to help us when we call on you. You're always with us, even when we're not aware of your presence. We give you our thanks as we acknowledge you today.

And now, Lord, we invite you to look into our hearts and minds. Your amazing grace shines into the darkest corners of our lives and reveals to us our needs but your grace also assures us that regardless of our circumstances we can be victorious through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So please help us each one individually in just the very ways we need you. You do meet our needs and you are making us into the kind of Christians you want us to be.

We pray for our church today. May your kingdom live in our hearts, may your kingdom be active in us as your people to reach out into our world. May our church be strong as endeavor to show your love to those all around us. You put this church here many years ago and you put us individually in this church. We're a part of your plan and purpose individually and collectively for this day and time and we are trying to discern and fulfill your plans for us. Help us to be sensitive to your leadership.

We pray your blessing on these graduating seniors and their families. We ask you to guide them as they plan their next steps in life. These are important days for all of them and they do need your guidance as they seek your will.

We pray for our country and for our president and vice-president and the members of the cabinet. We pray, too, for the members of the congress as they consider the important matters that come before them. We pray for the men and women in the courts of the land that they will be influenced by the Holy Spirit in the decisions and rulings they make.

We pray for the missionary force around the world as they labor to bring your word to many needy countries. We pray for those laboring in closed countries where they can't witness openly, that people's hearts and minds will be open.

We pray for Pastor Judy as she brings the message that you have given to her for us. We ask for your anointing on her heart and mind and may the words be effective and accomplish your purpose for us today.
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks # 27

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. Your Word tells us that if we ask anything in his name, we know that you hear us, and if we know that you hear us, we have the petitions we desired of you. What a comforting word that is.

I want to thank you today for your everlasting love that goes beyond all of our human comprehension or understanding. You love us all right where we are today and you love us for who we are. Our circumstances change so drastically as time passes and life is real. Problems and difficulties are not imaginary, they're real and we don't understand them and why things are happening. We're sometimes tempted to wonder if you know and we wonder where you are. Circumstances seem to defy all human logic, they just don't seem to make sense to us. How comforting it is to know that we don't have to pretend to be something we're not or prete nd to be stronger than we are. You know us anyway, so we don't have to pretend with you. You know all about our humanness and our weaknesses and, wonder of wonders, in spite of all of that, and maybe even because of it, you love us anyway. We're your creation, you made us, and you know all about us, so you know about our needs and how to help us. You can do something about it all. So, here we are, Lord, confessing our needs. You already know all about them, but we need to tell you. That's what you want us to do. Please, Lord, meet each person in just the very way we each need y ou right now. May your love for us and our faith in you hold us steady and steadfast. You said that we could be more than conquerors through him that loved us. Thank you for hearing us.

(And now, Church, before we continue and conclude our corporate prayer, I invite you, there in the solitude of your own heart and mind to talk to the Lord by yourself. We have all kinds of needs, for healing, forgiveness, encouragement, comfort, guidance. It's highly personal. Whatever it is, just tell him, he's right here, right now and he wants to answer your prayer.)

Thank you, Lord, for hearing us. There's nothing too hard for you. You're still on the throne. You're still in control. Thank you, Lord, for hearing us. You're answering our prayers right now.

And, now, Lord, we want to broaden our prayers today because we're concerned about more than just ourselves here this morning. We pray for your Church around the world. They're all our brothers and sisters and we care about them. Many are meeting in difficult circumstances, not having the freedom to meet openly because of threats they live with. Please encourage and uplift them today and help them that their faith will remain strong. May they not fail you. We pray for the wonderful ministry of the Jesus Film and for those that are ministering with that medium around the world. May th ousands more come to know you even this very week.

We pray for our president and the men and women in government and in the Supreme Court and all the courts of our land. We pray for the influence of the Holy Spirit on their hearts and minds. May they all make decisions that they don't even understand to be the result of your powerful influence.
We pray for the military actions particularly in the middle east and the precarious situations that are continuously being confronted there between righteousness and evil and freedom and bondage. We pray for your kingdom to come and your will to be done.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings the messages in the different venues today. Speak to all of us through him. And may your special anointing be upon him.

We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #26

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #26

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, because that's how you told us to approach you. We come with awe and wonder and reverence but we come to you confidently because we're your children. We know that the Holy Spirit is making intercession for us right now and that you're hearing our prayers as we all lift our hearts and minds up to you. As we reach out to you, you're already reaching out to us.

Thank you, Lord, for your love for us. Your Word tells us that you love us so much that you gave your Son to come to this earth to live and die so that we could be freed from the sin and guilt that had engulfed us. Your love is an undying, unfathomable love that reaches to the vilest sinners that have ever lived. And wonder of wonders, you save us and make us your children. We don't always understand all the things that happen to us and to our world, but we still know that you love us and care for us. We want to be captivated by your love and we want to be overwhelmed by your amazing grace that goes far beyond our comprehension.

I want to pray for our families this morning. Satan has always been the enemy of the family but somehow it seems that the attacks against the family are more insidious and blatant than ever. Seeing the dedication of these precious little ones a few minutes ago reminds us of the importance of the family and of the awesome responsibilities that parents and grandparents have. We pray for all the parents of little babies and small children to teens and even married children. We never stop being parents and our responsibilities never end even in later life, but the influence goes on and on, actually even into eternity. What a joy to be moms and dads and have the satisfaction i t gives. On this Mother's Day we thank you for all the moms here today and the godly influence they have on their families. Bind our families together in love and may our homes be havens of peace and love and protection where the children are nurtured and prepared for life.

We pray for our nation today and for all the godly influences there are that they will be multiplied and strengthened. We pray for our president and vice-president and the men and women in our national government and in our states and even on the local level. We're thankful for the freedom and peace and safety we enjoy that many countries around the world don't have. We pray for a mighty revival to sweep across our nation and around the world that would establish righteousness and justice and the powers of evil would be defeated.

We pray for our church and for your continual direction to our leaders as they make decisions and plans week after week. We want to be a church after your own heart and we want to be concerned about those things that are of everlasting importance. While we are busy with the church building and all of those plans, we want to keep focused on building you Church and bringing men and women and young people and children into your Kingdom. Thank you, Lord, for your leadership and guidance.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he preaches today. May the words come through the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. We want to magnify and glorify and uplift you in our services today.

We pray in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior who taught us to pray, Our Father who art in heaven . . . . .

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #25

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #25

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We come as children coming to their loving father, because that's the relationship we have with you. You're the one who designed the universe and set our world in motion, but you're our Heavenly Father and you love us with an everlasting love. You see us in all of our imperfections and our faults and failings and even our sins and yet you still love us. You correct us and discipline us at times because you do love us and you want to make us and mold us more and more into your own image and likeness. We're not what we used to be, but we're not what we're going to be either because you're not through with us yet. This all reminds us of who we are and also who you are. We're often unsure of what's best, and we're uncertain of your will, so our prayer today is that you would make us and mold us after you own sovereign and divine will.

We're so thankful for the privilege of prayer because we have so many things in our world and in our individual lives that we need to bring to you in prayer. Every day all around us we see people that are lost in their sins and self-will. Oh, sure, many of them are seemingly good, moral people but they need you. They're not on their way to heaven, but they're on their way to separation from God in a devil's hell. They need God and they're our responsibility as Christians and as a church. They may never go to church and they don't read the Bible, but they know us and they watch our lives. Help us to so live that they see something different in us. And help us to be a witness for godliness and righteousness. We're scattered all across our area and you've put us here for a purpose. May our light so shine that they may be drawn to you.

We pray for the needs of our people today. There are many physical needs and we bring them to you. Please, Lord, answer prayer for them and touch their bodies in definite and positive ways. Uplift them emotionally and spiritually because it's so easy to be discouraged and defeated when our bodies are weak and suffering. We uplift those with deteriorating relationships, husbands and wives that need reconciliation and forgiveness and may even this day be on the brink of separation and divorce. Help them to have the grace and humility to seek forgiveness and restoration. Some are struggling with financial needs, they need a job and some need help because of crises that have put them in dire straights. Lord, you know how to help them through these crisis times.

We pray again today for our president and the men and women in government all across our nation. You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," and we certainly need a moving of the Holy Spirit all across this country that would move the hearts of men and women toward God. Please, Lord, be active in the affairs of this land.

We pray for and uphold the men and women in the military as they engage in the war against Satan and all of his evil forces; those that would destroy liberty and freedom to worship you and would bring darkness and fear across the world. Lord, you are still on the throne and we pray earnestly for your divine intervention. May your will be done and your kingdom come.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings the message. You have helped him in the preparation and study, now anoint him with your divine enabling and speak to us through him.

We pray all of this with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven . . . . ."

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #24

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #24

Introduction to the prayer:
If you had the privilege of asking one special request from the Lord today, what would it be? Well, you do have that wonderful and fantastic privilege, so, go ahead and ask him as I lead us in prayer.

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We come with gratitude and thankfulness for the manifold blessings we enjoy from your hand. The thoughts of millions of people in our nation are turned to you with thanksgiving at this season of the year. We want to focus on all that we have rather than longing for what we don't have, and we have so much more than most of the people of the world. All that we are and all that we have come from you and we owe it all to you. We remember your goodness in the past and we rejoice in your closeness right now and we know that you have the power for the n eeds of the future. How blessed we are as individuals and as a church and as a nation. We glorify and honor and worship you.

We have needs among us today. There's not a one here today that doesn't have definite and particular needs. You didn't promise us that the world would be easy and you didn't say that there would be no problems or difficult situations, but you did promise us your mercy and your grace, and you did say that you'd be with us, and you did say that your grace would be sufficient. And we've found it be so. It's really true that in the hour of temptation, you've seen us through. And in our troubles and trials, when the road seemed long, the Savior has been right there with us and you've seen us through. The Holy Spirit has been faithful, he's been nearer than breathing and closer than hands and feet. We're going to make it by your grace.

Give that special word of comfort to the bereaved, and in the days to come when they feel their loss so keenly and feel that they're all alone, help them to feel your presence and help them to find the grace to go on. We pray for the suffering and those with physical needs. Touch them physically and emotionally and uplift them spiritually. We pray for those that are struggling with family relationship difficulties that are heartbreaking and seem to be beyond hope. Lord, you know just how to minister the word of hope that they need for this day. We pray for those that are struggling with painful memories from the past, maybe molestation, maybe abuse of some kind, maybe rejection of a spouse or loved one. We pray for healing of those damaged emotions and we ask that they will find restoration.

And as each one right now lifts up their heart to you with that very special need and personal request, help us to be able to reach through the doubts and questions and trust you for the answer to that particular prayer that they are praying to you. We look to you with faith and confidence. Thank you, for hearing these prayers.

We bring the needs of our nation to you today, our president and his cabinet and advisors, the men and women of the congress and of the courts of our land. We remember our military all around the world and especially in the Middle East. We pray for peace and for the defeat of the powers of evil that are active, planning to bring destruction and devastation.

You are still on the throne and you have all power in heaven and on earth and we do know how everything is going to turn out, because we've read the last chapter and we know that you and righteousness and holiness will triumph.

We glorify and honor you today and we praise your holy name. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Pastor Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #23

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #23

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. You're the God of heaven and earth and you inhabit eternity, but you chose to come and dwell among us. You're not just the God that's out there, but you're God With Us. You're God within us. Your word tells us that you stand at the door and knock and when we open the door, you come in and live. We can't even begin to understand that, but we thank you for making that possible. Thank you for your abiding presence.

It's good to be together in fellowship with you and with each other in the body of believers. We're brothers and sisters and we look forward to being here week after week. We pray for the Moms and Dads and the Grandparents today. People are watching our lives day after day, little people whose lives are being shaped and molded, and our words and attitudes and actions and even our reactions are all of vital importance. There are hassles and problems and frustrations that sometimes cause us to act in ways that are less than godly, but that's life and life is real and life is earnest. We need your presence and we need the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit to help us to be what we ought to be.

We pray for our teens and young people. They face daily pressures from their peers and from society and face temptations on every hand. Help them to make right choices and to take the high road. And help us to uphold them in prayer and by words of encouragement.

We pray for our little children, many of them meeting in their own services today. We're thankful for the Christian training they receive week after week as your word is being planted in their hearts and minds. Many of them have already accepted you and we pray that they will grow up to be godly men and women.

There are many among us today with special needs in their own lives and need your special touch and reassurance right now. There are numerous physical problems and we don't understand why these things come in our lives and we're tempted to question you and our faith is tested, sometimes to the limit. We pray that their faith will not fail during these days. Some have family and relationship problems, they need special grace to see them through. Bring healing and reconciliation to them.

We pray for our nation and our leaders. What awesome responsibilities they face. Give wisdom and guidance and may they learn to depend upon you in those situations that are so critical and vital to all of us. We pray for our military, many of them in harm's way even hour by hour. We pray for peace in the very troubled spots around the globe. We pray for terrorists and those wicked men and women planning attacks. Bring their counsel and plans to nothing.

We thank you for your presence in our service today. We thank you for hearing our prayers. Our faith and our confidence are in you and you never fail.

We pray all this in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, Our Father who art in heaven. . . . . . .

Pastor Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN.


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #22

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #22

Pastoral prayer for Victory Sunday at close of capital campaign.

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We rejoice in you and give thanks for all you do for us, but most of all we thank you for who and what you are. We thank you for salvation through the blood of Christ. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to our world and becoming one of us, and because of that we have the hope of eternity with you and with all those that have gone before us.

On this special day in the life of our church we're aware of the fact that we owe a debt of gratitude for the great heritage we enjoy because of literally thousands of people that have made up College Church down through the years. We follow in their train and we acknowledge that we have a responsibility, not only to our present generation, but to those from the past and especially to those coming after us. We want to be faithful to the sacred trust that's ours and we joyfu lly accept that responsibility. We ARE still the church today preparing for the church of tomorrow. It's exciting to contemplate all that means.

We've just heard the challenge from Pastor Steve and really from you through him. We have much to offer in these coming months and years. We have abilities and talents that you've given us and we do offer them to you for you to use in helping to build your church right here. We have material resources that you've allowed us to have and we want to be good stewards of those. Really, all we are and all we have already belong to you because we've committed it all to you. Many in this service have already made their pledge and others will be filling out their pledge cards in a few minutes. Perhaps some will fe el led to increase their pledge. Help us all to be faithful to what you are saying to us right now. We give you thanks in advance for supplying the need for us to move onward in the plans before us.

And now we bring the needs of our people today. Some have come today with special burdens and concerns. Maybe nobody else knows, but you do and you can do something about it. Bring encouragement and uplift. Many have physical needs and they're looking to you right now. Some have spiritual needs, they've been defeated and have succumbed to temptations and they seek your forgiveness. Lord, you're the God of all grace, and our faith and our confidence are in you. As we reach out to you today, we know that you're already reaching out to us. Thank you for the help that you're giving right now.

Thank you for leading us as a church. You've put plans and programs in the hearts of our leaders and we want your continual guidance and direction. Thank you for the wisdom and understanding that you give that enables us to do far better than we could ever do in our own resources and abilities.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he preaches in a few minutes. May we all hear your voice as you speak to us through him.

We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Pastor Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN


Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #21

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We're so thankful for this privilege of meeting together as your people to worship and honor you. We're encouraged and strengthened as we sing and pray together and as we hear the message from your Word we're challenged in our walk with you. We need to hear from you today and we need to be drawn closer to you. We're all needy people and we earnestly seek your will and your way. We want to live lives of holiness and purity and that's why we're here today. We need you, Lord, and we must feel your presence near us not only he re in church on Sunday, but out there in our everyday lives, because we're the church every day.

We're still the church in our homes and when we're doing our business, in the classroom and in the factory. We want to portray the spirit of Christ every day. Meeting together here every week gives help to make it through the days ahead.

And now, Lord, as you look down inside of each of us today we know that you see all the things that are there that no one else can see, and as we each reach out to you we know that you're already reaching out to us. We pray for forgiveness for those that have failed you. We pray for encouragement and uplift for those that are discouraged. We pray for comfort for those that are sorrowing and sad. We pray for physical healing and restoration for those with sickness and problems. Lord, we're all different but we all need the assurance of your loving presence. Thank you that you're always there and we can dep end on you.

We pray again today for our country, for our president and his cabinet and advisors. Please give them wisdom and insight that can come only from you. We pray for the men and women of the congress. Many of them are God-fearing people and they are trying to lead the country in righteousness and truth.

We pray for the communities where we live and work. Help us to be the influence for holiness and right that will make a difference. We pray, too, for our local leaders and that they will make right decisions that will direct us in the right path.

We pray for our troops around the world as they continue to work for freedom and justice particularly in the Middle East. We pray for safety and protection and that they may succeed in their mission with your help and direction.

We ask for continued wisdom and leading for our pastoral staff and members of the various boards and committees. We know that they face important decisions that will affect the future of our church for years to come. Help each of us as we contemplate the Forward In Faith emphasis and what our involvement should be with our time and finances. We know that you are going to meet our financial needs through us, because we're the church and you work through your people.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings your Word in just a few minutes. May we sense your anointing upon him today.

We pray all this with thanksgiving in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN 46953

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in Jesus’ name. It’s so good to be part of a vibrant, loving fellowship where exciting things are happening week after week. We want to keep pace with you and the moving of the Holy Spirit as you inspire and move us in your will and your way.

Today is especially meaningful as we have the Ketcham Family and the Fussners here for this time of consecration. We’ve followed both of these families for several years as they have been a part of our church.

We didn’t call them, you did that, but we do recognize your hand upon them and we want to confirm their call and pray your blessing on them.

Chase and Cindy and their children felt your call a few years ago and they have been in preparation to fulfill that call for many months and now the time has come for their move to their new home and place of their ministry. We can only wonder at this time where all Chase will be going to work on mission airplanes that will enable missionaries to do their work more efficiently. Lord, we pray that their move and transition will be easy for all five of them. They will be making new friends, so we as that they will feel comfortable from the very beginning. You’ve already prepared other children and youth to be friends to Neil and Andy and Jillian. They’ll miss their family and friends here, but we ask that they will feel at home and comfortable right away.

The Fussners have already had a long career in missions, but during these days they’re adjusting to a new country and new responsibilities. We pray for their family as they continue to make adjustments with one son left behind here at Indiana Wesleyan and the other two children in New Zealand awaiting the return of their parents. We pray that they will have an effective and profitable term of service. We pray that the two over there will continue to make friends and be content and happy.

We bring these two couples and their children to you and ask for your continual blessing on their lives and ministries. And we join our hearts together as we lay our hands on them and consecrate them to you and to your service.

We pray for all those assembled here in the various venues this morning and ask that we all may sense your presence as we worship you.

We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN 46952

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19
Paul Meeks

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We’re so thankful that we have the privilege of prayer and we do reach out to you and we know that you’re already reaching out to us. We thank you for sending your Son into our world, and we thank you, Jesus for coming so willingly. You’ve already been here in the world just as surely as we’re all here and you know all about life as we know it. Sometimes when we’re going through tough times we wonder if you know and understand. We sometimes wonder where you are, but you HAVE already been here and walked the way before us. Thank you for showing us the way.

We’re concerned about the hardships and difficulties that many of our countrymen are going through as a result of the hurricane and the devastation and loss of life. We see the pictures and hear the reporters trying to explain what they see, and we know that the people are all individuals that are going through the sorrow and loss. We pray that their hearts and minds will be open to the ministry of the Holy Spirit through thousands of men and women that are reaching out to them in so many different ways. We know that many of them know and love you, but many of them need to acknowledge you and become true believers. We pray that through the tragedies men and women and boys and girls will be turned to you. We know that life was not designed to be problem free, but by turning to you we can make it through.

We pray for those in our church who are passing through difficult times. They need you at this very moment in their lives in very special ways. We don’t need to try to hide things from you, but we can come just as we are. Look down inside each one of us and see the things that are there in our hearts and minds. You can do something about problems and difficulties, and we acknowledge that often what you change is us and our reactions and sometimes you change the situations. Anyway, you said your grace would be sufficient. Thank you, Lord, for always being there even when we’re not really aware of your presence.

We pray for those with physical problems. Some have been in the hospital this past week. Others are facing surgeries and treatments in the coming days and they need the assurance of your divine presence. Encourage and uplift them and may your grace be rich in their lives.

We pray for the students and faculty and staff at the beginning of this year. These are important days for all of them and we ask you to help them as they all work and cooperate together to make these the best experiences possible. Help the students as they make adjustments to school and dorm life and being away from home. We know that although there is excitement and there are new experiences, some are working through homesickness and new emotions. Make these great days for all of them.

We pray for our pastors and church leaders. May they all be sensitive to your leadership and direction. We want to be the kind of church that you want us to be and we want to give priority to those things that are close to your heart.

We pray for Pastor _____ as he ministers your Word this morning. May he sense your enabling presence as he speaks to us.

We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN 46953

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We're meeting together in your house as your children, in your name. We're here because we want to be and we're also here because we need to be. We need these times of fellowship with each other and with you. You're already here because you're among us and you even dwell within us. We don't need to see you because we sense your presence. Nearer are you than breathing and closer than hands and feet. We worship you today and we want you to be glorified as we worship your Majesty.

But it's not only here when we meet together, you're with us out there, too, even though we may not sense your presence as we do here. Please, Lord, walk into our world and walk with us every day, because we need your guiding and your comforting presence. We've never walked this way before. We don't know what's before us today and this week, so we need a guide. We want to hear that inner voice that says, "This is the way, walk ye in it." And, Lord, as best as we understand your will, we want to tell you that we're already committed to follow.

And now we want to talk to you about some of our needs and requests. A while ago we thought of many different things on our hearts and minds and many raised their hands indicating a special request. So, right now as each one expresses their own request, as a group we bring them all to you and ask for your will to be done. Give us the assurance that you are hearing and answering our prayers.

There are some very critical and urgent needs here among us and with others in our fellowship not here today. There is anxiety and uncertainty regarding cancer and heart problems and malfunction of organs of the body, but you know all about that and you see each person and you know their individual and personal needs. When we're experiencing serious physical problems it's so easy to feel the attack of satan even in our spiritual life and we often question you because we can't understand why these things are happening. And when we ask for answers we don't get answers, at least it seems like we don't. Maybe we don't need to know, at least not for now. So we earnestly ask for healing of bodies and minds and emotions and spirits, because that's what we need, and bring comfort through the Holy Spirit.

And our world—we see tremendous needs and problems all around us and across our nation and around the world. We pray for our local and state and national leaders from our president on down. You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," and how we long for that to be true of our country. How much we need divine wisdom and guidance for all of our leaders and that's what we pray for today.

We're thankful for a renewed Pro-Life emphasis and interest, and for advances being made regarding the sanctity of life in some areas of our nation. As new proposals are being made we pray for those in authority that they will sensitive to your will regarding the unborn and even the old and infirmed and disabled and the attack on all human life.

And now we want to thank you for your direction and leading to us as a local church. Thank you for the progress that's being made regarding our new facility and all that's involved there. Continue to lead all those that are involved in the entire process.

We pray for all of the services and classes going on today with the infants in the nursery and those loving caring for them, for the children in their classes and church, the youth and adults in the various venues in their services. Meet with us all today and speak to us in meaningful ways. May your anointing be on Pastor Steve as he preaches today and may his words come from you in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We ask all these things with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray: Our Father who art in heaven . . . . . .

By Pastor Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #17

Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #17

Let's talk to the Sovereign Lord of the world and even the whole universe. And remember that even though he's great and mighty, yet he's right here with us right now and ready to hear our prayers. So, let's pray.

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We thank you today for salvation through the sacrificial death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus. We've been set free from the power and bondage of sin and given new life. We have the privilege of walking with you day by day. Each day is a new and different experience. We've never walked this way before, so we need a guide. We thank you for the gentle voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit that keeps us in the right way and enables us to avoid the pitfalls and difficulties that come along the way. You're always there even when we're unaware of your presence.

We thank you, too, that you have a plan and purpose for every one of us that's special and just suited for us individually. You know all about our abilities as well as our limitations. You know about our personalities and our character and your plan and leading to us is exactly right for us. And as we understand and try to follow your will we can rest assured that you always give the best to those that leave the choice to you. You don't make mistakes and you don't need to rethink things. We sometimes misunderstand and fail to get it right, but you never do. Thank you, Lord, for being who and what you are. You're trustworthy and we can be secure in your everlasting love.

Lord, I pray that you will look down inside each of us and see all the needs that are there. See the frustrations and disappointments, see the failures and even the sins that might be there. And you can do something about them. We're looking to you right now to meet those needs and bring healing and restoration and forgiveness.

Please be with those that have sicknesses and physical problems. You designed our bodies and you understand how they're supposed to work. And we pray that even right now in this service you would bring healing and wholeness to those that need your physical touch. There are even some who don't know that they have a sickness or disease, but you know about it already and we would ask you for healing even before they know they have a need. You can do that, Lord, and that's what we're asking.

We pray for the missionaries laboring for you all around the world. Many of them are living and working in countries that are closed to the preaching and teaching of your Word and we ask that they might find open doors for witness. We ask for protection for them, too, because we know Satan doesn't want them to be there in his territory. Make them effective witnesses for you.

We pray for the conflicts going on between Satan and God and between wickedness and godliness. We pray for your kingdom to come and that men's hearts will be turned to you. We pray for the military that are involved in this conflict. May they call upon you for protection and for your intervention in the life and death struggles.

We pray for our president and his cabinet and advisors. Give them wisdom and understanding and may they call upon you for guidance and direction as they direct the affairs of our county. We pray for the men and women of the congress and those in the courts of the land. How we need a turning to you and to the principles of righteousness and holiness and godliness. Allow things to come that will turn men's hearts to you.

We pray for our church and its leaders. Give wisdom and direction as we all seek to do your will and fulfill your purposes for us as your church. We want to be busy doing the things that are close to your heart and things that will count for eternity.

We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings your message. Give him clearness of thought and the ability to communicate the things you have for us today. We do want to hear from you and ask you to speak to us through him.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who taught us to pray, Our Father, who art in heaven . . . . . .

Paul Meeks
College Wesleyan Church
Marion, IN 46953


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